Rifugio Pagarì

Rifugio Pagarì

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It stands on a small rocky promontory, with a large dry stone wall on the north side to increase the flat space.

The construction is dominated to the west by the imposing wall of the Maledia peak. To the N the slope, made up of rocks sometimes covered with grassy vegetation of the nival type, descends to the underlying stream (Rio Pagarì), while on the horizon the view extends over the entire Alpine range: from Monviso (N - NW) to Gran Paradiso (N).
One-storey wooden and masonry building, equipped with kitchen - bar, dining room, three dormitory bedrooms, three toilets, possibility of hot shower. Beds: 24.

Winter emergency shelter (6 square metres) equipped with an emergency telephone and 6 beds with blankets, open when the shelter is closed.

Services provided during opening hours: running water, photovoltaic panel lighting, public and emergency telephone post, refreshment and bar service at C.A.I.

Practical informations

Capacity: 24 seats

Open: June 15 to September 15,

Other periods on reservation

Winter refuge: 6 beds

For more information, consult the website of the refuge or the CAI (Italian Alpine Club)



Informazioni e Prenotazione


Pittavino Andrea, V. Pramallè 113, 12020 Villar San Costanzo, CN, Italy

Tél : +39 0171 978398 / +39 380 7108075